VTMAS No. 80: I’m THAT Friend

[Sorry, it’s been a while, here we go~!] I’ve come to realize that I’m THAT friend. Yes, the one you can’t take out in public without something weird or embarrassing unfolding. Granted, in my defense, it’s not intentional but at times it may seem like self sabotage. It happens enough times, that it definitely impacts my ability…

May Newsletter 2018

May I Say Thank You? A lot is going on, and if it weren’t for YOU, I would be a massive ball of tears. That’s right! No joke, I mean it! Between positive emails of support, Book Reviews to distract me, and even the shout-outs on Social Media have all been a driving force to…

VTMAS No.79: Kids’ First Snow

Leaving in Florida, especially the Orlando area, the chances of seeing snow is very rare. It usually is a timing and even then the teeny tiny specks melt the moment they touch something. There are no words for hearing your little ones ask, “Is it going to snow for Christmas?” “No, honey.” I sigh, this…

Newsletter December 2017

Hello Readers & Fellow Writers! 2017 is coming to a close as we all hunker down for Winter and Holiday preparations and events. I am settling in, after a crazy year of really pushing myself out there. Fall was overwhelming for me, and even for some of you with hurricanes and wildfires tearing up east…

Newsletter October 2017

Hello Readers & Fellow Writers! My goodness! September was a hot mess betweenHurricane Irma flipping Central Florida upside down and then Indie Bookfest 2017 swept me off my feet. Now we’ve already ventured into October and I can’t help but feel I am falling forward with the speed of things unfolding. This month is filled…

Post Indie Bookfest 2017

WOW. I cannot express the amount of fun I had at this event! Whether you are a writer, author, or reader – you should definitely plan to attend in August 2018. In fact, I have signed up again to have a table as a Featured Author next year and look forward to this weekend of…

VTMAS No.76: Adam’s Hair

I talk a lot about my days in FFA (Future Farmers of America). It was a great time in my childhood and I made some amazing, long-term friends. Even now, in our ever growing lives, we are spread all over and we still reminisce about those times at the fair or in the yard working…

Newsletter August 2017

Hello Readers & Fellow Writers! August is filled with so much that it’s been a flurry of school season going back into full swing and making massive plans for the Fall Season and of course, NaNoWriMo. How are you hanging in there? Hope you all have managed to keep your motivation on the positive side…

VTMAS No.75: Drive Thru Stalker

We all know I attract weirdos of all flavors. This one incident takes us back to my Senior year in high school in the days where I drove around town in my big blue Yukon. My vehicle became an instant icon and a one-of-a-kind truck in my hometown. If you saw a Blue Yukon, you…

VTMAS No. 73: OMG! He’s Naked!

By now, you’ve probably realized that my husband is indeed a one-of-a-kind sort of guy. He’s been awesome, encouraging me to shoot for the stars, and despite the rough spots life has dealt to us on occasion, we’ve pulled together and overcome amazingly hard moments. To say our relationship holds an awkward humor between us,…

VTMAS No. 72: Duke the Escapist

Another story from my Senior year in High School when I worked at the Veterinarian’s office. Granted, we worked with exotics, but that didn’t mean we didn’t have memorable dogs and cats. In fact, one dog always amazed me. His name was Duke and he was a large black poodle who was an absolute sweetheart….

VTMAS No.71: Link Wants M&M’s

There are time that our children get the better of us. Those moments where they say or do something so clever, it’s mind blowing to you. Often I find myself in that moment with a mixture of pride, confusion, and on occasion, embarrassment. Regardless, they make for some amazing shared moment among friends and family….